Technical Assistance Sessions
FC0311 grantees are required by DESE to use the MTSS Needs Assessment Tool for action planning and progress monitoring as part of the SEL & Mental Health Competitive Grant. Your designated partner will provide support to ensure your district understands and effectively utilizes this tool. They will reach out with dates and times for TA sessions, which will offer an orientation and technical guidance on using the tool. An overview and brief walk-through of the tool will be provided, along with time for Q&A. The TA session is not intended as a time to complete the tool. Further coaching and additional technical assistance is available and will be discussed at each session.

Monday, Feb. 10: 10-11am
Tuesday, Feb. 11: 2-3pm
Wednesday, Feb. 12: 8:30-9:30am
Thursday, Feb. 13: 10-11am
Thursday, Feb. 13: 2-3pm

Monday, Feb. 10: 11am-12pm
Wednesday, Feb. 12: 7:30-8:30am
Wednesday, Feb. 12: 3-4:00pm
Friday, Feb. 7: 9:30-10:30am
Monday, Feb. 10: 1:30-2:30pm
Tuesday, Feb. 11: 10:00-11:00am​